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Science is one of my most favorite classes of all time, because this is where I feel like we use PBL (project based learning) concepts the most. And honestly, projects may seem (or be) the most stressful things in the world, but when you go to Ms. Garcia’s (our science teacher) class, projects is something you genuinely look forward to. We get to do a lot of things that the average middle school student may never even think of doing. Everyday, you get surprised with new things in science class! One of the projects that I did was the Genetics project. This is where you get into groups of four, and you choose one of the genetic problems people are trying to solve, research about it, and finally, you debate whether you should support the solution, or not. My classmates and I chose Germline Engineering, which is where you genetically modify babies into the perfect baby. I voted against it, and I debated about it too!


This is one of my favorite projects because, it has one of my most favorite things-debating! Honestly, I have never debated (about an intellectual topic) before in my life, but every single concept of it always has iluded me. I really enjoyed looking at the different points of view people have, and how calm they were debating. We also made a video showing what we have learned, and it was (personally) a great video! We had a lot of fun doing it. But the reason why this project was a huge accomplishment for me is because of the debate. As said before, I have never done a debate before, and I think that it was really successful. I think that I had a really compelling argument. And some day in the future, I might consider joining debate team during high school.



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