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     Just like science, math has been more note taking based, rather than project based. And this was one of the things that I was glad about this year. I think my understanding and comprehension of math majorly increased because I began taking more notes and I was able to get more explanation on things that I didn’t understand. I truly improved. And that is why I believe my best work in math class was my math notebooks. They contain new found knowledge that really just clicked with me. And it consists of two graph comprehension notebooks. They are very colorful on the inside, consisting of both work problems and math notes. And these notes were also a huge help for the state test.


     This may sound pretty odd, since I worked on my math notebook for the whole year. But I believe that there are many aspects or areas inside my math notebook where I really worked hard, or there were those ‘ah-hah’ moments. I can honestly say that out of all the things that I try the most in that class, is always the quizzes and working in my notebook. It was where math was straight up there, for me to solve. And that was really fun. (Seriously, it was). It contains all of my development throughout math, whether I understood specific concepts or not. In a way, I always did ‘best work’ for the WHOLE year in math, and I agree. Math is one of my strong suits, and my math book clearly shows that, better than any project I had in math.


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