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     In Language Arts, we often write essays. This is one of my favorite things to do, writing. But it is not too often where I can write my ideas or opinions about anything other than material that I am reading. I believe that I am much stronger writing about an opinion or a story about myself, rather than writing an opinion about a book. So that is why I believe my best essay is an expository essay that I did in the beginning of the year, where I wrote about someone that majorly influenced my life. I wrote about my fourth grade teacher, and I believe that it is my best essay because I think I am much more better at writing about myself than about a book (even though it my sound really conceited). And this was one of the very few essays where I had an opportunity to write about myself, something that I was really overjoyed with. When I read it over, I saw that I sounded really sincere in this essay, way more than the others. And that is what I think writing good essays should be.

My Best Essay

     We still did projects in Language Arts, and a lot of them relate into looking deeper to the novel that we read, or find ways that we can apply what we learned into the real world. One of the biggest projects that we did was centered around a book called Unbroken, and it was a very open-ended project. We could do whatever we wanted in the project, as long as it related to Unbroken. I always have had an interest into multiple perspectives, and I never found myself to hate a villain. Instead, I always asked wondered why did they have to be the villain. And I attempted to answer that question in this project. I wrote multiple pages which was in a point of view of a character named The Bird. He is the antagonist of the novel, and he harassed and harmed the main character, a man named Louie Zamperini, he harassed Louie while Louie was in a POW camp, and he was working there.


     I believe this showcases my best work in that class because the project was so open-ended, I was able to choose something that I would enjoy and what I saw as best. I always wanted to write about a villain, and give myself an opportunity to understand why a person can put themselves to do horrible things do another. After working in this project, I feel as if it gave me more compassion, to other people. It made me realize that everyone has a reason to do something, and sympathy for when people do bad things. Really rare that a project would teach me something about life, but it did. And that is one of my reasons why it shows my best work, because although I do believe that I really made a good writing piece, it really changed me and gave me new opinions.

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