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     Hi, my name is Jenny, and I am in the Adventure STEM program. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. Adventure STEM is a program that uses technology very often (or all the time). It is a program that is completely different from elementary school because, in elementary school, you jump around many things. So you are not sure what you are actually learning. But in the Adventure STEM program, you do not jump around subjects, you learn about each subject for about an hour. There have been many changes in Adventure STEM, and I think that these changes have made Adventure STEM better.


     Going to Adventure STEM at first (in fifth grade) was really hard because I was new to the program and I was not used to having schedules and the system that Adventure STEM had. But now, I feel like this program is the back of my hands. I know exactly know where to go and how the schedule and days work. I felt like this year was really different than last year. Last year, most of us were clueless, we had no idea what to do at times. But this year, everyone got to know the system that Adventure had, and we like it. It is unlike any school we have ever seen. I think this year, Adventure STEM is really encouraging us to think about our future and the life that we want to have. For example, at the beginning of the year, we had to think about the job and college that we wanted to have. Personally, I considered two jobs (that are very different from each other) that I want to be when I grow up. I want to be a lawyer or an aerospace engineer. I also want to attend either Stanford/Harvard for college. 


     A lot of the projects were different than I thought. Last year, my sister was in 6th grade, and she told me all about the projects that she did. So when I came in this year, I expected to do the exact same projects as my sister's, but I noticed that most of the projects changed. For example, my sister did a project, but when I did the same project this year, we had to do different things, research different things and display our project in different ways. I also noticed that the fifth graders kind of had different projects than I did last year. They had some similar projects while some other projects focused on the same subject but had completely different requirements. But I think that these changes made the project and the subject even more fun and make me want to learn more about the subject. While the projects have changed. The blogs definitely have changed. We get to write more about what we think about the subject and the struggles we have on the subject. I think that writing these things into my blog (link down below) makes my blog describe a lot about me and how I learn and I think that that is a great thing to do. 


     I feel really great and proud that I am a student in the Adventure STEM program because I get to use technology and get to learn many things that I think the elementary school does not teach you that. For example, when I compare elementary school and Adventure STEM, I feel like I learned much more in Adventure STEM than elementary school. Being a student there also has helped me adapt to technology and has showed me many things that I have never known. I also really like how collaboration is a really important part in Adventure STEM. At first when I came to Adventure STEM, I was not really the person to work with other people. But now, I feel like I really improved on collaborating with others.


     Personally, I feel like Adventure STEM had changed the way I see education and the way that I see the world. This program really allowed me to express my creativity and allowed me to prove what I am capable of. It has also opened me up to many activities and hobbies that I now do daily. And I think that this program also let me do a lot of researching, which has made me find out many news things that surprised me. I think that the Adventure STEM program has really improved my collaboration skills and has allowed me to express my creativity. 


My blog:





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